I'm not really in a good mood to do my work so i think updating blog will give me a peace of mind :p *alasan*
Ok let's not talk about workloads yang memang tak akan habis tapi mari cerita pasal my journey as breast feeding mommy.
Dari Aaisyah Sofea dalam perut, i memang dah niat awal-awal nak bf dia. Sebab i know momma milk is the best in the world. No one should argue on that.
So dari 5 bulan mengandung, i start survey on the best breast pump. A good one with affordable price.
After baca review sana sini, i've made my final decision to buy medela swing which cost me around RM640. Bought it online, yup i'm online shopper! Haha. Buying medela swing is totally a good investment. I truly satisfied with the products it just medela swing is a single pump. So it requires more time during pumping session compare to double pump where you can express milk at the same time.
Being a BF mom is a challenging journey. Where you have to be discipline on pumping schedule, care on what you eat, find your milk booster which all this require lots of effort. seriusly, penat sangat but worth it sebab until now, Aaisyah Sofea tak pernah demam. Just batuk-batuk n selsema paling teruk.
i still can remember,right after Aaisyah di bersihkan lepas deliver dia, nurse datang, tanya nak breastfeed tak?
Definitely i would say, YES! n the first moment she sucks my nipple, i feel like...the whole world belongs to me. It is like the time stop from ticking and looking at her face i knew this little creature will totally depends on me in future. *sebaknya time menaip ni*
After discharge from hospital, Aaisyah menangis sekuat-kuatnya malam tuh dan me and my hubby mengelabah tak tau nak buat apa. So i thought dia x cukup susu. First time experience as parent. So Mr S pukul 1 pagi, pergi cari formula milk (FM), beli la kat 7-Eleven. bagi dia minum sikit tapi dia meraung jugak. Rupanya, Aaisyah poops poops, taik penuh pampers. And i felt so much guilty sebab benarkan dia minum FM.
Start from that day, i don't want to have FM in my house. Sorokkan FM and fully BF. Belajar utk pump after 1 week. First two days memang tak ada susu, just ada colostrum. memang sikit tp suffiecient for her tiny tummy.
Time confinement, memang i selalu contact my friend yang bf and they give me full support on bf. I owe them a lot. Being BF mom memang penat, letih sangat. Tapi for the sake of my child, i buat and also sebab nak kurus i have to BF. Belum lagi demam sebab kena bengkak susu, memang sakit. nak angkat tangan pon tak boleh.
After two months, susu makin lama makin banyak but my mistake i tak buat stock before masuk kerja. So hari ni i pump utk stock esok harinya. sehari i prepare around 20oz milk and give to baby sitter. Kat office pump 2 kali, then pukul 12 malam pump lagi and wake up again around 4am just to kumpul susu.
Tapi disebabkan kekangan masa, i failed to pump on time and it does effect on my milk production. Susu jadi kurang and nak tak nak i have to topup ngan FM. tapi dlm seminggu adalah dalam 1-2 oz je Aaisyah minum FM and she also don't like FM. She prefer to wait for me and tahan lapar until i amik dia.
Now, Aaisyah dah 6 months, i still bangun malam, pump susu sebab nak bekalkan Breast Milk dekat BS dia. I really hope that Aaisyah Sofea, will appreciate my effort and membesar dengan sihat dan menjadi anak yang soleh.
Semalam, my husband pegang i and tanya, kenapa kurus sangat.
I pon jawab, saya penat. bangun pukul 4 pagi utk pump susu, pukul 7 siapkan solid food tuk aaisyah and packing her breast milk semua, dan time pagi tula dia nangis nak saya dokong. Turun naik rumah angkat aaisyah and siap2 nak pergi kerja. then kat office tak ada masa tuk relax. Balik rumah terus masak and direct feed Aaisyah lagi. Sebab tuh sy kurus.
And lucky my husband is someone that very understanding, he always reward me with a gift and help me at dapur. Dia yang buang sampah, cuci baju and tolong hidang makan n cuci pinggan. I really grateful to have a husband like you. thank you for your unconditional love ady!
Okla. Time for pumping session.